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Pop (популярная музыка) — область массовой культуры, охватывающая различные формы, жанры и стили развлекательной и прикладной музыки
  • Когда ты крута, то не надо Думать о вечном, Как красная помада ты всегда безупречна: Лицо на экране в зале люди с попкорном, Тебе повезло ты уже поп-икона. Когда ты крута, то проснуться нужно пораньше, В режиме по строже, Кто-то скажет что дальше. Твой день по минутам: Встречи, платья, машины… Тебе повезло ты уже на вершине. Первая леди, ты первая леди Ты первая леди ты первая леди, леди… Первая леди, ты первая леди Ты первая леди, ты первая леди, леди… Когда ты звезда твоя жизнь поделилась на части, До шести королева – после дама пиковой масти, Секьюрити в доме, окна вечно закрыты, Ни шага не сделать без своей свиты. Когда ты крута, то не надо думать о вечном, Как красная помада ты всегда безупречна, Лицо на экране в зале люди с попкорном, Тебе повезло ты уже поп-икона. Первая леди, ты первая леди Ты первая леди ты первая леди, леди… Первая леди, ты первая леди Ты первая леди, ты первая леди, леди… В твоем мире машины всегда хвосте, Все вопросы не те все, ответы не те, Барионы красивых напудренных лиц Чередой самолеты, прилеты столиц. В твоем мире расчеты на эру вперед, В твоем мире никто ни когда не умрет, В твоем мире нет смысла, есть только слова В них одна пустота, пустота, пустота…. Первая леди, ты первая леди Ты первая леди ты первая леди, леди… Первая леди, ты первая леди Ты первая леди, ты первая леди, леди…
  • Нет причины для твоих сожалений Нам не стоит быть, не надо сомнений. Жаль романтике с цветами Нету места в этой драме. Скажи так, скажи так своей маме Ведь как только появляюсь я Рушится семья и летят советы в клочья Ведь как только появляюсь я Ты становишься таким плохим сыночком Я не верю, что такое возможно Thank you. A moderator will soon review the ad Из простых вещей все делать так сложно Моей щетке и пижаме Нету места в этой драме Скажи так, скажи так своей маме Мне не стать, увы, самим совершенством На кону не столь большое блаженство Обо мне воспоминаний Не хватает в этой драме Спасибо, спасибо твоей маме Ведь как только появляюсь я Рушится семья и летят советы в клочья Ведь как только появляюсь я Ты становишься таким плохим сыночком
  • Огоньки привычные гаснут и кончаются Только безразличные фонари качаются Мысли посторонние, лишние, не новые И потусторонние заводные клоуны Заводные клоуны, синие и красные Заводные клоуны и слова напрасные Лучше попроси меня И проснемся новыми И проснемся сильными Только попроси меня (Попроси меня) Я тебя прошу, ты просто попроси (Попроси меня) Попроси, попроси меня Попроси меня Попроси меня (Кого-кого проси?) Попроси меня Попроси, попроси меня Синие и красные, разные, напрасные Красные и синие, и совсем не сильные (Совсем) Самые обычные и совсем не новые Куклы безразличные — заводные клоуны На четыре стороны, все четыре левые А по пятой клоуны — куклы неумелые Лучше попроси меня И проснемся новыми Источник teksty-pesenok.ru И проснемся сильными Только попроси меня Качай-качай Е, е, е, е Качай-качай Клоуны Качай-качай, качай танцпол Слышь? Е, е, е, е Это клоун с бензопилой И он пришел за тобой Лучшей открой дверь По добру, по здорову
  • Закольцуй эту историю, Нарисуй небо со звёздами. Я молчу, тихо ,мне хочется... Я учусь жить одиночеством. И в тишине, в пустоте, Наяву или во сне... Простоту сделаешь сложною. Незачем ждать невозможного. Мы идём следу по ложному... И в тишине, в пустоте, Наяву, или во сне... Пропадём с этой историей, Упадём, небо со звёздами, Замолчи, тихо ,мне хочется... Я учусь жить одиночеством.... одиночеством...
  • В ожидании тебя В моей невесомости твои шаги на вес золота И все мои неготовности на твоем теле узорами Скажи, в какую минуту мы сбежим, свершив преступление Ведь так же не может быть, чтобы проблем не имели решения Без твоего разрешения я буду сама не своя В ожидании тебя, в ожидании тебя Боюсь незнакомости, но вновь влюбляюсь без повода Ты – знак моей безаконности, кусок от сердца отколоты Скажи, куда в минуту мы сбежим, свершив преступление Ведь если вместе мы, то уже время не имеет значение
  • Однотонные платья Поцелуи на блюде Облака под кроватью Растворились все в кофе Лаконичные мысли Твой дорический профиль Все программы зависли Припев: Ну и пусть, что без тебя Ну и пусть растаю зря Ну и пусть погаснет свет Если нет тебя, меня тоже нет Если нет тебя, меня тоже нет Запотевшие стекла Рассекречены коды Бесконечные весны Ты - загадка природы Облака под кроватью Поцелуи на блюде Одиночества ради Источник teksty-pesenok.ru Друг о друге забудем Припев. Монотонные люди Однотонные платья Поцелуи на блюде Облака под кроватью Ну и пусть! Ну и пусть! Ну и пусть! Ну... Видеоклип InWhite - Ну И Пусть
  • Молча у окна талая весна пролетает над городом Бестолковая, одинокая, забирает все что мне дорого Забери меня, меланхолия. Забери меня, меланхолия! Острова домов, вереницы снов затуманят сознание Так случается, разбиваются, остывают желания Удиви меня, меланхолия. Удиви меня, меланхолия! Забери меня, меланхолия. Забери меня, меланхолия! Молча у окна талая весна Молча у окна талая весна
  • Это важно Для тех, кто слышит, Мы туда, Куда и мыши Это важно для нас, Пойми, Куда мыши, туда и мы Налегке ровно в срок, Вдалеке от дорог День ото дня, День ото дня В темноту по руке Я иду налегке Веди меня, Веди меня С тем, что остается, К тем, кто помнит солнце Источник teksty-pesenok.ru Забытье, а затем Было все, было всем День ото дня День ото дня С той поры вышел срок, Как и ты, я одинок Храни меня, Храни меня
  • В море тонет лето, море видит сны, Сумасшедшие мы до весны. Тают все секреты в мокрых сигаретах, Ты где-то рядом, я. Припев: Но море этим летом поделило все рассветы пополам. Небо этим летом сыплет снегом. Только море этим летом поделило все рассветы пополам. Небо этим летом не ответит нам. Морю снится небо, небо спрячет нас Пять минут еще нам прозапас Источник teksty-pesenok.ru Безмятежность ветра, песни, что не спеты Я где-то рядом, ты. Припев. В море тонет лето, море видит сны. Мы уйдем дорогой до луны.
  • They always say this world is wrong, I should’ve listened, I should’ve listened… Full control of all reactions, Falling over, falling over Every time Buried memories come to life All in all, all in all Every time I’m in a place I don’t belong, My hidden prison, My hidden prison. And only when the hope is gone, We’ll react, We will react. Full control of all reactions, Falling over, falling over Every time Buried memories come to life All in all, all in all Every time Time, the time goes by So fast and slow Time, the time goes by It’s throwing guilty shades on stolen lives Full control of all reactions Every time… Every time it happens to me… Full control of all reactions, Falling over, falling over Every time Buried memories come to life All in all, all in all Every time Every time…
  • Time tunes my way With sounds of the universe Travel the path of yours Right down your multiverse So uncontrolled Just like my destiny Having no gravity Beyond reality (Just like my destiny) (Gravity, reality) Time tunes my way With sounds of the universe Travel the path of yours Right down your multiverse So uncontrolled Just like my destiny Having no gravity Beyond reality (Just like my destiny) (Gravity, reality) (Sounds of the) (Reality)
  • We’re doing things we’ve never done on any winter day We’re rocking like nobody’s home While drinking Chardonnay The snow falls down Town is up too late On a ferris wheel We all are getting laid We’re doing things we’ve never done on any winter day We’re rocking like nobody’s home While drinking Chardonnay Long countdown New memories are made Speeding to my neighbourhood in a one horse open sleigh Are you listening Are you even here Did you see someone who Dropped the chandelier? It wasn’t meant to be It was my family’s It was my family’s Last year I almost Burned down the house No I will never forget I crashed the car I have to confess Felt so unreal No wonder I get coal every year Nothing changed We’re doing things we’ve never done on any winter day We’re rocking like nobody’s home While drinking Chardonnay The snow falls down Town is up too late On a ferris wheel We all are getting laid We’re doing things we’ve never done on any winter day We’re rocking like nobody’s home While drinking Chardonnay Long countdown New memories are made Speeding to my neighborhood in a one horse open sleigh I try to close my eyes but they’re Frozen La la la la la Think i have a problem The Christmas of my dreams has been stolen La la la la la And it’s haunting me It feels like the grinch just took A big part of me Changing left and right for his best Getting no rest Everyone’s still complaining this year About me A bit of a bitter sweet trick Just to say c’est la vie to me On top on my whip i sit Doom will hit to the beat i picked For you We’re doing things we’ve never done on any winter day We’re rocking like nobody’s home While drinking Chardonnay The snow falls down Town is up too late On a ferris wheel We all are getting laid We’re doing things we’ve never done on any winter day We’re rocking like nobody’s home While drinking Chardonnay Long countdown New memories are made Speeding to my neighbourhood in a one horse open sleigh
  • You can hear voices sneak through Passages in your mind Waking you, shaking you You can see that they're leading your side away Forcing to look behind Making you stay Stay awake all night Under pale moonlight Don't let life slip away Don't let them change you way Follow the brand new day We all keep our heroes inside Don't let life slip away Don't let them change you way Follow the brand new day We all keep our heroes inside Through the void I hear you scream What do you see inside This little broken dream? Just believe in the power to make your life Just as you wish to be Ending the strife Reach beyond your sight Spread your wings and fly Don't let life slip away Don't let them change you way Follow the brand new day We all keep our heroes inside Don't let life slip away Don't let them change you way Follow the brand new day We all keep our heroes inside You should just Get away! Runaway Breakaway Don't you stay! Keep going on and on you all so close! Get away! Runaway Breakaway Don't you stay! Keep going on and on you all so close! Don't let life slip away Don't let them change you way Follow the brand new day We all keep our heroes inside Don't let life slip away Don't let them change you way Follow the brand new day We all keep our heroes inside
  • There are reasons why we fall Why we fall for magic We try to cope with all we are So many days we all remained With no questions coming Looking for what's real Waiting for the fall and a Light above Maybe we are calling to Come undone Maybe we are stuck forever Maybe we are bound for life To the fall and the Light above When we have become statues There were times when everything Was bound to last forever But as the seasons all went by We slowly lost our ways to win On our long endeavour When all we wanted to be real When all we wanted to be real Waiting for the fall and a Light above Maybe we are calling to Come undone Maybe we are stuck forever Maybe we are bound for life To the fall and the Light above So many say they want it all So many say they know we’re all as one We’re all as one Yeah So come and make a point of view Yeah come and make your dream come true tonight Tonight Maybe we are stuck forever Maybe we are bound for life To the fall and the Light above When we have become statues
  • How can you stay Calm as a statue When your name alone Can make them hate you Go stand your ground Longer than ever Your undying sound Echoes forever Hands are shaking Body is losing control If I count to ten I will get to dragon’s den So breathtaking Devil is doing the show You can take it all But you can never take my soul On and on Nightmares are fading away Fear is gone Gone down together with pain Hiding away Fear of the devil You'll never gain Your highest level Light up your mind Brighter than ever Your undying ride Will last forever Unforsaken Memories are ready to fade You can steal my time But you cannot touch my rhymes Come and get me Find me wherever I go You can track my place But I will beat you in this race On and on Nightmares are fading away Fear is gone Gone down together with pain I'm on my way up I'm on my way up I'm on my way up today I'm on my way up I'm on my way up I'm on my way up today Every time you try to make me fall You can take a step but you'll have to take it back Stop, we are done, give it up, give it up now Give it up, give it up now On and on Nightmares are fading away Fear is gone Gone down together, gone down together On and on Nightmares are fading away Fear is gone Gone down together with pain I'm on my way up I'm on my way up I'm on my way up today I'm on my way up I'm on my way up I'm on my way up today
  • She never needed a reason To make sure that I see the look in her eyes She’s in the air that I’m breathing Floating through my memories of all that was right And as she walks away I’m breaking down inside There’s no escape I can see it coming Feel the fires burning Trying not to love her I can’t move on Comes without a warning Screaming out for more than A chance for more than goodbye Cuz she’s still amazing She’s still amazing My mind’s been searching for answers Ever since she told me what we had was gone I’m trying to keep it together She’s playing with my heart and she knows that it’s wrong Her words keep haunting me I try to let this go But it’s so hard to breathe When I can see it coming Feel the fires burning Trying not to love her I can’t move on Comes without a warning Screaming out for more than A chance for more than goodbye Cuz she’s still amazing She’s still amazing Go back to where we began I never thought it would end But now my world is getting colder and colder You tell the truth and the lies You live your life in disguise I keep on coming back over and over Oh, I’m trying not to love her I can’t move on I can see it coming Feel the fires burning Trying not to love her I can’t move on It comes without a warning Screaming out for more than A chance for more than goodbye Cuz she’s still amazing She’s still amazing Cuz she’s still amazing She’s still amazing She’s still amazing
  • Sometimes I feel the rain inside me Taking over Breaking over Will you forgive me when I find my Lucky flower Four leaf clover What to follow When all is over My way from sorrow Gone to nowhere I think with horror What comes tomorrow I'd better live on Unforgiven Taking my past, taking every day Raining so fast, washing feelings away I'd better live on Unforgiven Trying so hard, trying every day Breaking apart, always falling away I'd better live on Unforgiven You've got to know you meant the world to me Now I'm broken down Soul is broken But tell me why you can't forgive me now Tell me what I've done Why do you run? What to follow When all is over My way from sorrow Gone to nowhere I think with horror What comes tomorrow I'd better live on Unforgiven Taking my past, taking every day Raining so fast, washing feelings away I'd better live on Unforgiven Trying so hard, trying every day Breaking apart, always falling away I'd better live on Unforgiven Yeah I'd better live on Unforgiven Yeah I'd better live on Unforgiven
  • Tell me why I believe I'll leave my past behind I believe I'll lead myself so high to winds of freedom Maybe I I've always been a big surprise I always wanna play the hardest part and live it Every day Run away, run away, run away Run away, run away Run away, run away, run away To mad days Carry on to stop the time You're following your heart Break the rules, forget them all When mad days do the show One day I got addicted to the open sky Ever since I know the reason why I'm always racing Maybe you weren't born to fly But you have to try Something to help mad days Blow your mind Run away, run away, run away Run away, run away Run away, run away, run away To mad days Carry on to stop the time You're following your heart Break the rules, forget them all When mad days do the show Carry on to stop the time Following your heart Break the rules, forget them all When mad days do the show
  • They blur your mind You see the thunder, flashing wonder Magic number going under, turning grey This way they hide TV lies, Big Brother’s eyes So cross the line to win some time And break away Break your walls, don’t let them track you down You have to be the one to fight the plague Save your soul, destroy this battleground Destroy the virus for your freedom’s sake Break away from dismay Never let this virus grow Day by day lead your way Try to save the truth you know Another time You’ll be the witness how your weakness Falls to pieces, never need this anymore And you shout out You won’t give in, you’ll be a king You pull the string, you always win This silent war Close your eyes, and let the neon die Just crush the server down to the core Paradise is just a fucking lie A lie the system always failed to store Break away from dismay Never let this virus grow Day by day lead your way Try to save the truth you know Fighting the world of lies All the way down this road Breathlessly Only one word describes All the way down this road Destiny No more falling apart, falling apart, no more falling No more falling apart, falling apart, no more falling No more falling apart, falling apart, no more falling No more falling apart, falling apart, no more falling No more falling apart, falling apart, no more falling No more falling! Break away from dismay Never let this virus grow Day by day lead your way Try to save the truth you know Fighting the world of lies All the way down this road Breathlessly Only one word describes All the way down this road Destiny
  • Stuck in your offence forever You think revenge is clever But you still doubt whether it’s worth doing Hesitating more than ever You feel it’s now or never I know what you’re feeling now Take your time, take your time, take your time I know what you’re feeling now Retaliate or just let it go You decide right now Find a part that you wanna play Fight or run Oh, oh, oh, fight or run Oh, oh, oh, fight or run Everything you do has consequences You’ve got to weigh your chances And you still doubt whether it’s worth doing Paying back for all the offences Will badly recompense this I know what you’re feeling now Take your time, take your time, take your time I know what you’re feeling now Retaliate or just let it go You decide right now Find a part that you wanna play Fight or run Oh, oh, oh, fight or run Oh, oh, oh, fight or run Your voice is your sword Say just a word It’s your war field so play it right, retaliate with light Win your fight Retaliate or just let it go You decide right now Find a part that you wanna play Fight or run Oh, oh, oh, fight or run Oh, oh, oh, fight or run
  • You’ve never meant to hide Away who you are Never thought that you can release your mind You’ve never tried to push your limits so far away, away! Light up your mad night Bring it to my light Don’t ever lose your way Feelings inside you — Tell them to guide you Listen to what they say Do like your soul said Never forget that Open your eyes — You’ll never fall with my light in the dark (You're following my light) Get through your life mess Fight with the darkness Follow my light You’ll never fall with my light in the dark (You're following my light) The time has come to realize who you are Figure out what makes you so real and bright So take a shot at finding your guiding star today Today! Light up your mad night Bring it to my light Don’t ever lose your way Feelings inside you — Tell them to guide you Listen to what they say You never fall with my light in the dark! Do like your soul said Never forget that Open your eyes — You’ll never fall with my light in the dark (You're following my light) Get through your life mess Fight with the darkness Follow my light You’ll never fall with my light in the dark (You're following my light)
  • Life can be a stony road Up and down, high and low But only you can decide What happens tomorrow Everything is in your hands Oceans deep and desert sand Only you can decide What happens tomorrow You have the power and strength To take control of your fate It's up to you how it ends The future is yours to take Today, RADIATE Your world is what you make Nothing is stopping you now As you're building your own land Future is yours to take Today, RADIATE You're a pebble or a rock A shadow or a burning sun Only you can decide What happens tomorrow You have the power and strength To take control of your fate It's up to you how it ends The future is yours to take Today, RADIATE Your world is what you make Nothing is stopping you now As you're building your own land Future is yours to take Today, RADIATE
  • There are reasons why we fall Why we fall for magic We try to cope with all we are So many days we all remained With no questions coming Looking for what's real Waiting for the fall and a Light above Maybe we are calling to Come undone Maybe we are stuck forever Maybe we are bound for life To the fall and the Light above When we have become statues There were times when everything Was bound to last forever But as the seasons all went by We slowly lost our ways to win On our long endeavour When all we wanted to be real When all we wanted to be real Waiting for the fall and a Light above Maybe we are calling to Come undone Maybe we are stuck forever Maybe we are bound for life To the fall and the Light above So many say they want it all So many say they know we’re all as one We’re all as one Yeah So come and make a point of view Yeah come and make your dream come true tonight Tonight Maybe we are stuck forever Maybe we are bound for life To the fall and the Light above When we have become statues